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    If You’re So Psychic, Didn’t You Predict The Whole Pandemic Thing?

    Okay, let me break it down for y’all. So, peeps used hit me with this question like, “If you’re all psychic, why didn’t you see the whole pandemic thing coming?” Well, sit tight ’cause I’m about to spill the tea on that. Maybe I didn’t catch the vibe about an actual worldwide pandemic, but my guides and my deceased cat were dropping hints from the other side that something big was going down. At first, I thought it was just a personal crisis, not a global ‘rona situation. Let’s rewind to 2019, fam — a total rollercoaster. My cat passed away, major bummer vibes. Plus, I was sick all the…

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    The Future Isn’t Set in Stone: A Psychic’s Guide to Empowering Your Next Reading

    The future is not set in stone. It’s a wild, open field, ripe with the endless possibilities that lay ahead on the path of our own making. For over 20 years, I’ve been diving into the mysteries of the universe to help people find some clear answers through readings. Among the many roles I rock, being a psychic medium is a dope one. Over time, I’ve caught onto some patterns that I’m stoked to share, as they could totally amp up your next psychic reading experience.